DIY Pinterest Flop – Painted Rock Cacti

     Small plants and succulents are one way to add some small, low-maintenance greenery to a space in your home. Due to my lack of a green thumb, small plants still aren’t the best option for me. The idea for painted rock cacti on Pinterest seems interesting and thought it would be a creative solution to my problem. Here is my attempt at this idea.


For this project, you will need the following supplies.


     All of the rocks can be painted in various shades of green and this is where I ran into my first problem. The two darker shades are good for me, but the lightest color on the smallest rock is off.  Mixing the lightest with the darkest turns into an odd green. Choose your greens carefully! Once the green is dry, paint any pattern (dots, stripes, lines, etc.) with white lines. The patterns on my rocks didn’t seem as cleanly painted as I wanted, making it problem number two.


     Paint on the rocks take a little time to dry, so while you wait, paint the pot if you’d like. However, this is problem number three for me. Black paint looks great on the planter, but picking a design can turn into a mess. Googly eyes seem fun and quirky, but the glue used to hold them can run onto the paint. You can touch up the area around the eyes, but it’s a tedious task to remove excess glue and repaint a handful of little sections.


     I wonder how I messed up such an easy DIY. I possibly rushed too much or wasn’t loving the idea halfway through. With that said, I would still recommend trying this project because the result can be a neat little accent piece for those with a lack of a green thumb. Check out my Altoids tin photo album post to see a different Pinterest result. Thanks for reading!

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